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Flickinger, N: XBRL in der betrieblichen Praxis
59 ƒ
Sistema de información financiera mediante XBRL en Navision: Lenguaje XBRL (eXtensible Reporting Language) (Spanish Edition)
148 ƒ
67 ƒ
Practical Guide to REVISED SCHEDULE VI with Extracts from Companies Annual Reports including XBRL
53 ƒ
Finanzberichtssystem mit XBRL in Navision: eXtensible Berichtssprache (XBRL) (German Edition)
307 ƒ
XBRL for Interactive Data: Engineering the Information Value Chain
251 ƒ
Essentials of XBRL: Financial Reporting in the 21st Century (Essentials Series)
75 ƒ
XBRL for Interactive Data: Engineering the Information Value Chain
231 ƒ
Sistema de relatórios financeiros usando XBRL no Navision: Linguagem de Relatórios Extensível (XBRL) (Portuguese Edition)
148 ƒ
New Dimensions of Business Reporting and XBRL 2007
435 ƒ
Guide to Preparation of BALANCE SHEET Under XBRL & New Schedule VI
41 ƒ
The XBRL Book: Simple, precise, technical
81 ƒ
A Practical Guide to Revised Schedule VI with XBRL Taxonomy and Business Rules
21 ƒ
XBRL Essentials
67 ƒ
Sistema de información financiera mediante XBRL en Navision: Lenguaje XBRL (eXtensible Reporting Language)
139 ƒ
Sistema di reporting finanziario con XBRL in Navision: Il linguaggio di rendicontazione elettronico (XBRL) (Italian Edition)
148 ƒ
Financial Reporting System Using XBRL in Navision: eXtensible Reporting Language (XBRL)
234 ƒ
Dijital Muhasebe ve XBRL Sınıflandırma Sistemleri (Toksonomiler)
13 ƒ
XBRL for Interactive Data: Engineering the Information Value Chain
Système de reporting financier utilisant XBRL dans Navision
175 ƒ
Sistema de relatórios financeiros usando XBRL no Navision: Linguagem de Relatórios Extensível (XBRL)
344 ƒ
Système de reporting financier utilisant XBRL dans Navision: Langage de reporting extensible (XBRL) (French Edition)
148 ƒ
New Dimensions of Business Reporting and XBRL Paperback – 26 July 2007
128 ƒ
Система финансовой отчетности с использованием XBRL в Navision: Расширяемый язык отчетности (XBRL) (Russian Edition)
60 ƒ
Comprendre XBRL et la taxonomie Comptes Annuels Paperback – Import, 28 July 2009
98 ƒ
Step by Step Guide to XBRL Filing under Revised Schedule VI
31 ƒ
Assessment of Feasibility of the Use of XBRL in Financial Research
574 ƒ
’ʋΑåŠw}‰ð‰ïŒvƒR[ƒX4 XBRL (’ʋΑåŠw•¶ŒÉ)
Conciliating XBRL Financial Reporting and HCI: Easing XBRL financial reporting through HCI Design practices for the sake of optimizing e-Government G2G practices
405 ƒ
Système de reporting financier utilisant XBRL dans Navision: Langage de reporting extensible (XBRL)
139 ƒ
Система финансовой отчетности с использованием XBRL в Navision: Расширяемый язык отчетности (XBRL): Rasshirqemyj qzyk otchetnosti (XBRL)
52 ƒ
Company BALANCE SHEET and Profit & Loss Account Under XBRL & New Schedule VI
74 ƒ
Finanzberichtssystem mit XBRL in Navision: eXtensible Berichtssprache (XBRL)
344 ƒ
Xbrl Anchor Boating Christmas Tree Merry Xmas Santa Sailing Zip Hoodie
76 ƒ
New Dimensions of Business Reporting and XBRL
399 ƒ
Pandect of XBRL (Chinese Edition)
74 ƒ
Xbrl Anchor Boating Christmas Tree Merry Xmas Santa Sailing T-Shirt
67 ƒ
Xbrl Essentials: A Nontechnical Introduction to Extensible Business Reporting Language (Xbrl), the Digital Language of Business Reporting
XBRL Taxonomy Project(Chinese Edition)
XBRL technical principles and applications(Chinese Edition)
197 ƒ
Conciliating XBRL Financial Reporting and HCI: Easing XBRL financial reporting through HCI Design practices for the sake of optimizing e-Government G2G practices
344 ƒ
Financial Report of XBRL: Theory, Specification and Application
XBRL practical case analysis [paperback](Chinese Edition)
170 ƒ
Xbrl Anchor Boating Christmas Tree Merry Xmas Santa Sailing T-Shirt
67 ƒ
Xbrl Anchor Boating Christmas Tree Merry Xmas Santa Sailing Pullover Hoodie
72 ƒ
Sistema di reporting finanziario con XBRL in Navision: Il linguaggio di rendicontazione elettronico (XBRL)
139 ƒ
XBRL ga hiraku kaikei jōhō kaiji : IFRS taiō no kirifuda
403 ƒ
Sistema de relatórios financeiros usando XBRL no Navision
175 ƒ
Finanzberichtssystem mit XBRL in Navision
175 ƒ
The Digital Revolution in Banking, Insurance and Capital Markets (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking)
248 ƒ
Sistema di reporting finanziario con XBRL in Navision
175 ƒ
Conciliating XBRL Financial Reporting and HCI
574 ƒ
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)
88 ƒ
Roger Debrecenycarsten Feldenbartosz Ochockimaciej Piechockimichal Piechocki
Roger Debrecenycarsten Feldenmaciej Piechocki
Pierre Hamon
Antonio Oliveiraartur Kronbauer
Yoshiko Shirata
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