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The People's Liberation Army and Contingency Planning in China
China’s Grand Strategy: Trends, Trajectories, and Long-Term Competition
China's Strategy Toward South and Central Asia: An Empty Fortress (Rand Project Air Force - Research Report)
China's Use of Military Force: Beyond the Great Wall and the Long March (Cambridge Modern China Series)
Chinese Lessons from Other Peoples' Wars
China and strategic culture / Andrew Scobell. 2002 [Leather Bound]
The PLA at Home and Abroad: Assessing the Operational Capabilities of China's
The "People" in the PLA: Recruitment, Training, and Education in China's Military
The People's Liberation Army and contingency planning in China by Andrew Scobell (2016-04-26)
PLA Influence on China's National Security Policymaking
Chinese Lessons from Other Peoples' Wars
Chinese Lessons from Other Peoples' Wars
China's Strategy Toward South and Central Asia: An Empty Fortress (Rand Project Air Force - Research Report)
China's Grand Strategy: Trends, Trajectories, and Long-Term Competition
China in the Middle East: The Wary Dragon
North Korea's Military Threat: Pyongyang's Conventional Forces, Weapons Of Mass Destruction, And Ballistic Missiles
China and North Korea: from Comrades-in-Arms to Allies at Arm's Length
China And Strategic Culture by Andrew Scobell (2014-07-09)
China’s Search for Security
China And North Korea: From Comrades-in-Arms To Allies At Arm’s Length
China's Use of Military Force: Beyond the Great Wall and the Long March (Cambridge Modern China Series)
Command and Control in U.S. Naval Competition with China
Right-sizing the People's Liberation Army: Exploring the Contours of China's Military
China in the Middle East: The Wary Dragon
China's Search for Security
Civil-Military Change in China: Elites, Institutes, and Ideas After the 16th Party Congress
China's Growing Military Power: Perspectives on Security, Ballistic Missiles, and Conventional Capabilities
China's Search for Security
Chinese Lessons from Other Peoples' Wars
The Asia-Pacific in the U.S. national security calculus for a new millennium
Right Sizing the People's Liberation Army: Exploring the Contours of China's Military
North Korea's strategic intentions
Shaping China's Security Environment: The Role of the People's Liberation Army - Scholar
China's Strategy Toward South and Central Asia: An Empty Fortress
North Korea's Strategic Intentions
North Korea's Strategic Intentions
US-Indian Strategic Cooperation into the 21st Century: More than Words
China-Russia Cooperation: Determining Factors, Future Trajectories, Implicat
China and Strategic Culture
Chinese Lessons from Other Peoples' Wars: Apr-Jun 2012
The U.S. Army and the Asia-Pacific
Projecting Pyongyang: The Future of North Korea's Kim Jong Il Regime - Scholar's Choice Edition
Command and Control in U.S. Naval Competition with China
The Lessons of History: the Chinese People's Liberation Army at 75
Kim Jong Il and North Korea: the leader and the system
The Pla at Home and Abroad: Assessing the Operational Capabilities of China's Military - Scholar's Choice Edition
Chinese Army Building in the Era of Jiang Zemin
Chinese National Security Decisionmaking Under Stress
China's Strategic Arsenal: Worldview, Doctrine, and Systems
China and North Korea : from comrades-in-arms to allies at arm's length / Andrew Scobell 2004 [Leather Bound]
Shaping China's Security Environment: The Role of the People's Liberation Army
China Rising: Power and Motivation in Chinese Foreign Policy
US-China Competition and the South China Sea Disputes
China and North Korea: from Comrades-in-Arms to Allies at Arm's Length
The Routledge Handbook of Asian Security Studies (Routledge Handbooks (Hardcover))
China's Growing Military Power: Perspectives on Security, Ballistic Missiles, and Conventional Capabilities
Chinese Army Building in the Era of Jiang Zemin
Chinese National Security Decisionmaking Under Stress
China-Russia Cooperation: Determining Factors, Future Trajectories, Implications for the United States
China's Presence in the Middle East: The Implications of the One Belt, One Road Initiative
Strategy for Empire: U.S. Regional Security Policy in the PostDCold War Era
China Rising: Power and Motivation in Chinese Foreign Policy (Asia in World Politics)
The Costs of Conflict: the Impact on China of A Future War