Nualgi Ponds is a natural alternative to algaecides & other toxic water treatments used to control & remove pond algae. Our innovative approach to natural pond care and algae control works by restoring balance to your pond's Nitrogen Cycle and supercharging your pond's bio-filter from the ground up! BENEFITS: Increases oxygen levels & improves water quality & clarity to reduce & control pond algae and foul odors, Nualgi promotes greater fish and plant health while keeping the water crystal clear. Enjoy your new habitat and show off your pond as your fish become more active and your plants gain more color. WHAT IS NUALGI? Based on Over 15 Years of Research, Nualgi is the fourth generation of a patented nano-silica-based micro-nutrient supplement for all types of ponds, lakes & water gardens. Based on 9 years of lab research and 8 years of field research for applications in commercial and municipal water management. The Nualgi formula specifically helps pond owners improve water quality and manage algae on a much smaller scale. HOW DOES IT WORK? Within 3 - 5 hours of applying Nualgi Ponds, a bloom of Diatom algae (the good kind!) will develop. The diatom algae bloom out-competes nuisance algae for CO2, N, P and other nutrients, causing the bad algae to die off. It then locks away some of the harmful nutrients in the new bio mass that is consumed as live food for your fish and zooplankton. By kick-starting this natural process, the diatom algae out-compete the nuisance algae for nutrients, thus starving and eventually eliminating the bad algae from your pond!
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