Shrimp, lobsters, and crabs share in common an exoskeleton composed of a chitin/calcium carbonate composite material. The growth of crustaceans involves secretion of a new exoskeleton and molting of the old one; early life stages of crustaceans undergo constant molting to arrive at the adult stage, whereupon molting continues throughout the specimen’s adult life, albeit at a lower frequency. Iodine addition to closed aquatic systems housing crustaceans has been consistently shown to elicit molting in specimens that had not done so previously. Florin I provides iodine and iodide, the former in a time-release low-level method, the latter as a free ion. For optimal results, ensure that crustaceans receive appropriate foods and that the water chemistry in the aquarium is maintained within the proper respective ranges. TDS/General hardness, alkalinity, and elements that improve crustacean coloration and food utilization are provided by Florin Delta GH+, Florin Delta KH+, NeoTiger KH+/GH+, or Caridina GH+ and FlorinMulti, respectively. Does not require refrigeration. Not impacted by temporary freezing.
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