Both "Swing Caddy" and "Hole in One" golf training aid utilizes the ingenious functional design of the "Sinker Spring Loaded Magnet" technology, the Control Scale. With International Patents (USA, China, Japan & Korea), the Control Scale is the steel head which allows users to adjust swing speed for desirable distance and head speed. The device creates "Click" sounds at both points of swing impact and follow-through, giving instant feedback to change swing patterns for optimum distance and head speed. The correct swing is awarded with the first "Click" sound just in front of the left foot (i.e. desirable impact zone). If the "Click" sound is ahead on the right or behind on the left, it indicates that the swing is either too fast or too slow and too early or too late for selected distance and speed on the Control Scale (this rule is reversed for left handed players). With adequate practice, this mechanism helps players to change their swing patterns to achieve the optimum swing impact and follow-through for the desired distance. The Sinker in the Control Scale automatically resets itself to its original position without any manual pull or pushback, saving players time and effort. It helps players to develop balanced rhythm and tempo for maximum distance and better accuracy. It develops players' muscle memory for the proper swing paradigm. The "Swing Caddy" and "Hole in One" helps players train and coaches as an effective training tool to increase distance at the desirable head speed. The patented design and weight simulates and actual golf club it will virtually last forever and does not rust or change its style from year to year. It could be shared among family members, friends, and others in any groups/teams indoor and outdoor. It is an indispensable swing training tool worth every penny and more. The device is NOT designed to hit balls, but to swing it in the air for longer distance with better direction control.
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