Thunder Blast 6.25" Tactical Pen High Power Self Defense Stun Gun Is for Personal use and Self Defense Protection only. This is a premium self defense employed with the latest technology to ensure maximum performance and reliability. With the stun gun armed, hold the electrodes against the body of the assailant and press the stun button. While holding the stun gun against the body, you will not see or hear the spark. You can continue to fire as long as necessary without damage to the unit as would occur if testing in dry air. A shock from a stun gun lasting one second or less will cause pain and minor muscle contractions. Stunning the assailant for one to two seconds is sure to cause muscle spasms and a dazed mental stage. Stunning the assailant for three to five seconds will cause loss of balance and muscle control. To avoid accidental discharge, always move the on/off switch to the off position when not in use. The most effective stun locations are the shoulder, hip, thigh, buttocks and below the rib cage. Should be used in a dangerous situation For Self Defense and Personal Protection only.
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