ABOUT GRAIN FREE LIMITED INGREDIENT FISH RECIPE FOR DOGSA minimalist dog food designed for dogs with touchy tummies and sensitivities to multiple ingredients. Each box of Limited Ingredient Fish Recipe touts only six grain-free, nutritious ingredients—including Marine Stewardship Council Certified pollock – and a healthy dose of soluble fiber, good fat, and irresistible flavor. The Honest Kitchen Limited Ingredient Fish Recipe is a dehydrated dog food that is AAFCO complete and balanced for all life stages and breeds. It’s higher in protein while moderate in calories and includes pollock wild-caught off the coast of Alaska. The pollock is MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) certified and classed as a ‘Best Choice’ by Seafoodwatch. org. It is a limited ingredient dog food with only SIX ingredients – great for pups with any food allergies or who just need a simplified diet. THE HONEST DIFFERENCEMost pet food makers would never invite you inside their kitchens—because they’re not kitchens. They’re heavy processing plants. Our company started in our founder's kitchen in 2002, where she made meals for her family (both human and pets). Today, we still prepare food with the same love and uncompromising quality. Our food is made from ingredients you’d recognize in your own kitchen right alongside breakfast cereals and bakery mixes, so it satisfies the same rigorous safety, cleanliness and quality standards of people food. If we wouldn’t put it on our own dinner table, we won’t feed it to your pet. INGREDIENTS WITH INTEGRITYFrom eggs and salmon to pumpkin and parsley, wholesome foods you recognize and can pronounce are the only ingredients we use. And what we leave out is as important as what we put in. Our food is made in the USA and never contains the potentially unsafe and unhealthy ingredients found in feed-grade products. - No by-products or fillers- No additives or preservatives- No “4D” meats or feathers- No corn, wheat or soy- No ingredients from China- No GMO ingredien
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