The medical specialty of paediatric gastroenterology is focused on problems and disorders within the gastrointestinal tract, liver and pancreas of children from infancy until age eighteen. This inspirational compilation provides information on current research and clinical practice regarding the psychosocial aspects of paediatric gastrointestinal conditions, with contributions from international specialists and experts in the field. The chapters in Part I act as an introduction to understanding gastrointestinal disorders and consider key theoretical aspects and central issues. Part II investigates management and intervention concerns and includes patient narrative, offering unique insights for professional reflection. Part III looks at the unique characteristics of the anatomy and physiology of normal development and the maturation of the digestive system in infants. It also includes a compendium of assessment measures and a highly practical toolkit containing flow charts, clinical interview schedules, handouts and leaflets designed specifically for parents. It offers health professionals, students and trainees a muchneeded multidisciplinary perspective on the psychosocial considerations of children and young people with gastrointestinal disorders and their families. 'The series has a deliberately international focus, which reflects the paediatric psychology community and brings together material that is otherwise unavailable in this form. An inspiring and reliable resource for day-to-day paediatric practice'. From the series introduction by Angela Southall and Clarissa Martin
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