Features:-- Beautiful dentures make you more smile, smile more confident.-- A special custom made mould works to disguise crooked, stained, missing and gapped teeth. -- A great alternative to expensive braces.-- Clean it after using, reusable and removable.-- Easy to use, and comfortable to wear, effectively whiten your teeth.Description:Item Type: Whitening BracesMaterial: Silica gelSuitable age: over 12 years oldPlease clean after use Whitening Fake teethPackage Contents:1*Fake teeth/2*Fake teeth/3*Fake teeth/4*Fake teeth/5*Fake teeth/6*Fake teethHow to use:For tooth whitening, it can be directly attached to the teeth.Easy to use,Please clean after useIt can be dissolved and dissolved automatically when it encounters hot water.Convenient for next time useMake you smile confidence Veneers TeethInstructions:1. Place teeth into a cup of hot (almost boiling) water for 1 minute. This will make them flexible and ready to custom fit.2. Using a mirror, firmly position the teeth cosmetic sticker over your existing teeth. Press them firmly against your teeth and gently pat the material with your thumbs behind your real teeth.3. Gently ease the teeth out of your mouth after 30 seconds and set them in a glass of cold water to cool. The material turns white when it is hardened.
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