BRC HP-500 High Gain 460-470 Mhz GMRS Band Base Antenna-11.7dB Gain GMRS Base/Repeater Antennas, it include a wide frequency bandwidth, heavy-duty fiberglass radome, stainless steel hardware, and a UHF (SO-239) cable connection. Fiberglass radomes Stainless steel hardware Wide band performance Factory adjusted no tuning required High wind rating Fiberglass radomes Stainless steel hardware Highest Gain, with Overlapping outer shells for added strength Wide band performance High wind rating Frequency: 460 - 470 Mhz (GMRS) Gain (dB): 1.7dB(GMRS) Impedance: 50Ω VSWR: <1.5 Radial length: 20 inch (52 cm) Rated wind velocity: 40m/sec Mast diameter accepted: 30~62ψ Max Power Rating: 200 Watts Height (feet): 17.5 ft (5.2 m) Weight: 4.4 lb (2 kg) Connector: UHF
3 weeks ago
2 weeks ago