The campsite just got a whole lot brighter with the Firefly! Outdoor Gear Finn the Shark Kid's Camping Chair. This colorful character chair is perfect for a variety of activities including campouts, sporting event, or playtime! The Finn the Shark camping chair has a durable steel frame that will support up to 120 pound and is rated for outdoor use. The small frame design makes this chair the perfect size for your child. The chair is designed with a locking frame for added stability and safety while your child is hanging out at the campsite. Keep all your child's snacks and drinks nearby with the two built in cupholders. The chair includes a roll top carry bag with an attached shoulder strap for easy transportation to and from the campsite. Step up your next outdoor adventure with the Firefly! Outdoor Gear Finn the Shark Kid's Camping Chair. Check out all that Firefly! Outdoor Gear has to offer and collect the whole set!
Firefly! Outdoor Gear Finn the Shark Kid's Camping Chair:
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