Show that special someone you care with the Way To Celebrate Valentine's Day Pink Artificial Rose Bouquet. This pink fabric rose bouquet makes an excellent gift for someone you care about. You can pair it with a box of chocolates use it to decorate for romantic meal. Give a bouquet that never wilts, much like your love. Be sure to check out other Way To Celebrate decorations and favors like Valentine wreaths, garland, Heart picks, ribbon and more to celebrate the season of love. Bring home the Way To Celebrate Valentine's Day Pink Rose Bouquet and impress that special someone. Way To Celebrate Valentine's Day Pink Artificial Rose Bouquet This beautiful bouquet includes 10 2" x 2" x 17"artificial Roses in mid-tone pink with rose scent. Dimensions of the Bouquet are 7" x 5" x 23", the roses are in a cellophane wrap and tied with a bow. Pair it with a box of chocolates, use it as a part of a romantic date or give as it as a Keepsake bouquet that never wilts WM # 653206187
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