The Trilonium Rocket Stove is a robust portable wood or wood pellet burning stove. This stove has been designed with outdoor cooking in mind. Rocket stoves are efficient cooking stoves that can burn either small twigs, kindling or wooden pellets. By burning wood in a simple combustion chamber containing a vertical chimney, rocket stoves ensure almost complete combustion prior to the flames reaching the cooking surface. This means less fuel is required and more heat efficiency. The Rocket Stove uses smaller pieces of timber and saves about 50% of materials to be burnt because of the high heat generating ability. It also a fantastic insulator, using less fuel and preserves long lasting heat. When you want a fast, ultra-light weight stove that is super-efficient you need not look any further than the Trilonium Agni Wood Fired Rocket Stove. The Trilonium Rocket Stove achieves efficient combustion of the fuel at a high temperature by ensuring a good air draft into the fire. They are also very convenient to fuel because you don’t need to chop wood to fit inside, leaving more time for cooking! It is designed for stability and heat isolation from the ground. It offers a higher level of strength and anti-vibration qualities. If you are using the stove on a combustible surface or on ice and snow, the heat is held within the stove and the flame stack. This also allows for use on uneven ground (like that ever happens around a camp site!). This stove is designed to set up, use and be quickly on your way again. These stoves are amazing. You can cook and boil water on them with just sticks. This stove makes a really great gift to any outdoorsy person.
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