HOW TO USE OXALIC ACID ON WOOD Most available products are diluted and present a low level of risk, however care is still needed when using any product containing oxalic acid and we advise using gloves and a mask during its application. Wear protective clothing: Rubber Gloves, Face Mask and Safety Glasses. Keep away from children. We have found in the workshop that oxalic acid is most effective when applied to oak and teak: The solution can be applied directly to the stained area for spot removal Or it can be used as a general wash over the entire surface Or you can use both of the above techniques, by spot bleaching the affected area firstly and then once you are happy with your spot bleaching you can wash the solution over the surface as a general revive of the whole surface METHOD Apply the hot solution to bare wood with a brush, sponge or cloth to help remove unwanted stains and revive the natural colour of the wood Ensure you rinse the surface thoroughly with clean fresh water to remove any excess oxalic acid. If you don't properly wash off the treated area, there is a strong chance that it will react with any newly applied finish: Preventing drying of the finish and or blistering of the finish If you are trying to avoid raising the grain of your wood surface you can alternatively use methylated spirits to dissolve the oxalic crystals. The advantage being a quicker drying time for finishing CAN YOU USE OXALIC ACID ON VENEER? Yes you can use it on veneered and solid wood furniture *Trade Tip* - Soda Crystals A neat trick I often employ when using oxalic as a reviving wash: NEUTRALISING THE OXALIC WITH A HOT SOLUTION OF SODA CRYSTALS Mix the soda to the same ratio as the oxalic 10:1 in very hot water. Apply the soda solution shortly after you have applied the oxalic and you will see it react immediately. You can repeat this process as many times as you like. **We do not guarantee by using this product it will remove all stains.
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