Flashcard Duo bundle containing both Placement Essentials Flashcards and Medication Calculation Flashcards Perfect gift or purchase for anyone starting, or on a nursing course, and also for newly qualified and experienced nurses! PHYSICAL set containing 31 flashcards and a front cover made up of 16 flashcards double sided. They are double sided flashcards in an easy to see and use layout. These are flashcards about Nursing and placement essentials, designed by myself. These are all handmade on using my iPad and have been designed to summarise each thing and to be used as reference points. Cards are A6 size, double sided, professionally printed and finished with an antibacterial gloss finish There is an OPTIONAL add of for the Paediatric cards, containing 2 double sided cards with information about PEWS and vital signs! This set of flashcards covers the following (and more!!) - NEWS Scores - ABCDE approach - Glasgow Coma Scale - Bristol Stool Chart - Sepsis - Medication Administration - Basic Calculations - Hand Washing Steps - Common Abbreviations - Assessment - Directions - Pain - Burns - HEADSSS - SBAR - Patient History - Seizures - Strokes 18 double sided flashcards - 36 cards full of step by step guides on various different medication calculations Split into 3 sections Medication calculations/conversions Surface area and body weight injectable medications all together in one handy set to use and refer to whenever doing these calculations DISCLAIMER These flashcards have been made using a variety of different sources including NICE guidelines and local trust policies. Please be aware they may differ from your own local trust policies and it is important to always follow those. These should not replace your own notes or experience and instead should be used as reminders and not as a stand alone product to replace your own notes. Always follow local trust policies for medicine management and your own judgment. Do not completely rely on these flashcards
3 weeks ago
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